Organic gardener, natural nutritionist and healthy chef. Elenore, our blogger from southern Sweden, now combines everything she knows in her blog, Earthsprout, after travelling around half of the world and studying what she really loves. “Helping people and the planet at the same time” is the blog’s motto.
On the surface she is calm and collected, but she has a fiery passion and boundless enthusiasm for what she does all the time. We loved the way she describes everything using superlatives, always highlighting the positives; we also loved being shown how she used deep breathing often to take a moment and feel fully aware of where she was. We were inspired by her life vision: we need to live passionately and chase our dreams. We were certainly convinced as she seems to be truly fulfilled, at peace and happy.
She lives in a small wooden house in the forests on the outskirts of Ystad with her husband, who she recently married; they’re expecting a child soon. We were delighted to be invited for a whole day, during which we prepared and sampled a full breakfast in her garden, visited the plot where she gets a lot of the ingredients she cooks, took in some of the most beautiful scenery in southern Sweden, visited her favourite traditional restaurant and, last but by no means least, just as Clara wanted: we ran around one of the infinite yellow rapeseed flower fields nearby. You wouldn’t want to miss it!
– Favourite dish: Grape salad or anything freshly harvested from the garden
– A raw dessert: The New Year’s Cake
– Star recipe: A «greenylicious» shake or a raw dessert
– Blog: Mynewroots by my friend Sara
– Film: Under the Tuscan Sun
– Documentary: Home
– Book: The Whole Foods Encyclopedia and spiritual books
– Activity: Hugging trees
– Event: Open air concerts to go for a dance
– Trip: A hike through the woods (they’re exceptionally beautiful in Sweden), and Stockholm or Gothenburg as they are very old
– Restaurant in Sweden: Green Matmarknad, Malmö
– Restaurant: Sari Organics. Ubud, Bali
– Song: Loca by Shakira for dancing around wildly
– A piece of advice: Be mad and enjoy life because life is great and so are you.
Organic gardening, natural nutrition and healthy cooking, what a rounded combination!
Yes, I’ve always been worried about the Earth since I was a child and I wanted to find ways to help. So, after studying product design and travelling the world for two years, one summer I just wanted to stop and go for an idea that I really loved: create a vegetable plot. And that’s what I did the following spring and summer. I realised that plants are real natural superheroes and I needed to learn a lot more as it would be a great way to change lots of things.
I thought that knowing how a seed works and grows, the effects it has on the body, how it benefits health and wellbeing and then presenting it in the most delicious way possible was a great idea. So I went with my gut feeling, even though I didn’t have the right background, and I started studying agriculture, nutrition and cooking at university and by myself to explore ideas and possibilities concerning this supercombination.
A holistic approach.
Precisely. I think the planet needs it right now. We need to look back and look at all the information first to understand it in the broadest sense possible. Then we can think about where we are going as a society.
And when you finished your studies, how did you put it into practice?
I started my own company, Earthsprout, which combines organic gardening, natural nutrition and healthy cooking. We offer advice, articles, products, books, workshops, recipes and all kinds of services relating to cooking and nutrition.
I wanted it to be a company about food and lifestyle firstly because I love food and secondly, because it’s what moves people most easily at the moment.
And what’s the purpose of Earthsprout?
Showing that everyone can live an ecstatic life in an ecstatic body. If they want, anyone can escape the social structures that hold us in like prisoners, adopting a “greenylicious”, different, supertasty, sensational lifestyle. And in order to get it, we all need fun, indeed a lot of it, and a little inspiration, which is what I want to contribute through my work.
What do you mean when you said social structures that hold us in like prisoners?
Our society is structured like a box and people aren’t made for boxes. I think that in order to live to our maximum superpotential, we need to get out of the box; we need to explore what really works. When you’re in a box, you’re told what to eat and how you should live; it tries to fulfil everyone’s needs, but it ends up being worthless.
So we should question everything?
I think so. Haven’t you ever thought: What’s on the other side of this box? What does the system do for me? What does the system do for my job? What does the system do for my creativity? What does the system do for my health and my wellbeing? I don’t believe in universal social norms, I think that each of us has to create them for themselves. That’s why I try to inspire people to find their path and secret inspiration, their individual ways of doing things, tips and tricks. It’s all about finding their wellbeing and an ecstatic life.
It’s quite rare for someone to live beyond social standards...
I think the number is growing all the time. The world is changing and there’s a growing interest in organic culture, all things natural, etc. Maybe it’s about organic food first, then personal hygiene and clothes. Then, perhaps, we think about another overall lifestyle.
I have to say that I really think we’re moving towards change. I can’t speak about everywhere, but in Sweden if you take a look at what’s happened in the past 10 years, lots of things have changed. I think we’re going in the right direction. And if I can be part of this change, then brilliant! And if I can be an explosive, fun and fabulous part of it, all the better!
What happens if we follow social structures?
If you do something just for money, but deep down you don’t love it, you’ll be completely unhappy with life and that will bring you unhealthy thoughts, an unhealthy body, unhealthy relationships…
I’m exceptionally happy for having the courage to have started my garden, because it’s taken me to where I am now. Back then it was a mad idea and I didn’t even know where it came from, I didn’t even know why or where it would take me. I think that sometimes you just need to go with your mad ideas because they’re the ones that are truly intuitive. And that’s what’ll make you truly happy.
So you don’t follow any structure?
I just don’t believe in universal advice telling you to do something or to eat this or that to be healthy, I just don’t believe it! That’s just another structured box. And there are so many people who do it; I just don’t want to do it like that.
What do we have to do to break social structures?
Have a lot of fun and put little explosions of fabulous flavour into our lives.
Do you have any tips to follow our intuition?
Relax, stay still, stop listening to what’s going on around you, and to what other people say or do. You just have to stop, close your eyes, breathe in and spend time with yourself, with your thoughts, ideas, feelings and sensations. Just like what we’re doing today: spending time in nature, hugging trees, taking in the flowers, touching the grass… Being conscious of where you are at the current time. This brings us closer to being ourselves. In short, stop going round and round and listen to what’s going on in your heart and your head. Obviously, eating healthily helps a lot to follow your intuition.
That seems impossible nowadays.
We are so used to living at such a frenetic productive rhythm, which makes us do everything at top speed without stopping, but which stops us from thinking about what we are doing. In the end, you’re not even aware of what you’ve done. And lots of times such things aren’t even that important.
Could you give us an exercise to get started?
Create secret spaces before eating. I always do it: I stop for a moment and take several deep breaths. It just makes me more relaxed; I can then appreciate everything that nature has given me and I give thanks.
We’ve realised you’re very grateful, right?
Well, I think that gratitude is a key element in life, I think it’s the new G spot. Gratitude transforms your way of thinking. I could be here and not think it’s very relevant, or even think about some comment or other I’ve been told or which I’ve read in a cheeky email, or that the weather isn’t as good as I expected, etc., but that wouldn’t be such a fun way to live; it would actually be quite sad. On the other hand, I’m here and I’m so grateful for this cup of tea and for being able to spend some time with you, and for the eagle that’s just flown past us, and for the fabulous food we’ve made… Gratitude makes life worthwhile. It sends you directly to the centre of what’s happening right now.
And what if we are having a bad day?
Then it’s time to have a bar of raw chocolate or a green supershake. Having one of these in a grey day will make us look at life differently, and will make it change.
I think it’s very important to take care of yourself. Look, for example, at the gift you’re giving yourself by being here on this trip, it’s great! You’ll remember it forever! We need to give ourselves healthy treats more often.
How would you define your kind of cooking?
Mainly balanced, pure and raw. However, of course, it’s seasonal, delicious, fun, experimental, innovative and adventurous.
What does raw mean for you?
Raw doesn’t just mean ‘not cooked’ to me, as I also cook dishes; it also means produce in their purest, most natural state, just as we find them in nature. We should honour their original state. Even if I cook them or not, I always try to keep them as near to their natural state as possible.
We see that you have a lot of raw vegan recipes.
Yeah, raw food has inspired me a lot. When I discovered it, I was like: Wow! You can eat a dessert that’s good for you? Or a pizza? Or a burger? I was really surprised as the food stays pure, balanced and natural, and the flavour and texture are boosted at the same time; it’s another world. And the flavour is truly explosive. That’s why it plays quite a dominant role in my cooking.
What ingredients are always in your kitchen?
Basic ingredients for me are lemons, avocados, cinnamon, my home-made sesame and oat milk, and spices. Also, I always have fresh green leaves and vegetables I’ve harvested or bought two times a week. As far as the larder is concerned: dried fruits, seeds and cereals, always wholegrain and gluten-free, such as quinoa, millet and buckwheat. If I have all of these at home, I can always make delicious food.
An ingredient we should discover?
Nettles; ever since I discovered them, I’ve been in love. Throughout history they’ve been used as a natural remedy, something which inspired me a lot. I loved the idea of restoring this kind of food and then presenting it in an attractive way to discover it again. In the “Fun & Fabulous Facts” section of the blog I talk about some of these really inspiring products in detail. Nettles are what inspired me to start creating the Nordic superfood mix.
Tell us about the mix.
I was just dazzled by the raw food movement. I realised that it uses a lot of superfoods and I experimented with lucama, maca, mesquite… But then I saw that I could find the same properties on the labels of superfoods from the other side of the world right on my doorstep; I could just open the door, go to my garden and find them in the incredibly nutritious and powerful plants, flowers and fruits of the forest, all which have extraordinary medicinal properties. I thought it was stupid to treat some superfoods like they were something special and just forget about the rest, so I went around looking for the best Nordic superfoods and created a mix which I myself collect, dry and prepare. It is then distributed in small packets from Earthsprout.
Let’s rediscover local superfoods!
Exactly! It’s also a way of inspiring people to question themselves about dominant topics, so that they go to their garden or into the forest to look around; it can really be surprising. For example, I was doing an internship in southern Spain for a year, where I used loads of olive and aloe leaves… Spanish superfoods! Now that I’m here, I use fruits of the forest and native plants.
It’s about making the status of local superfoods grow, and in addition I think our bodies are more adapted to where we have grown up, so that’s why I think it’s a good idea to eat food and superfoods from where you come from.
So what’s in this Nordic superfood mix?
Nettles, marigolds, dried fruits of the forest, and a whole range of Nordic medicinal plants and flowers. I wanted the product to be a reflection of nature. Why don’t you find out what are the superfoods from where you are?
What is a healthy lifestyle?
In my opinion, a “greenylicious” lifestyle would be about feeding the body and the soul, which is different for everyone. However, the common denominator would be living with love, happiness and gratitude. Have a really good time, be present in everything you do and eat deliciously healthy dishes every day.
What would be the best way to create personal food guidelines?
I think everyone should try to get into the world of balanced, pure and raw foods. Perhaps for some this would mean eating some dairy produce or meat, but for others it would mean being a strict vegan. But I recommend everyone to keep on going further and further towards their food being more natural. This would lead to having a healthy body, making you feel attractive and full of ecstasy, feeling electricity through your body and developing your maximum potential as a person.
One way would be trying new natural products you didn’t know about before. Go to the farmer’s market and buy natural foods you didn’t know about and then experiment in the kitchen. And have a good time playing! Enjoying yourself in the kitchen is also healthy.
Do you have any more tips for everyday life?
Eating slowly is very important for a healthy diet: Don’t rush your meals. This destroys your digestion, you don’t absorb nutrients and you feel all washed out. It’s a very simple idea, but it’s a big problem nowadays.
I would also say that respecting and honouring the food on our plates, whatever it is, is important. If you are going to eat somewhere and it’s not what you would choose if you were at home, I think it is very important to respect and honour what is on the plate and remember that it also comes from the earth; you should let it nourish you as much as possible.
Tell us about eco culture in Sweden.
There have been many changes recently thanks to influences from abroad. The world in general in the past few years has become more aware of our health and the health of our planet; Sweden has followed this trend.
There are some small companies here that grow organic produce and they do it in a conscious manner, respecting tradition. They take care of the product, and in fact they’re incredible!
Can you find them easily?
I wouldn’t say easily; you need to know exactly where to find each thing. All the supermarkets have some organic products, but if you want variety you have to go to the specialised shops. But it’s not especially accessible and there’s quite a difference in price, but if you buy locally and according to the season, it’s much cheaper.
What do you think is the most serious food issue in the world today?
Malnutrition, not in the third world but all over. We have lost so much intuition that, despite having everything within reach, we don’t know how to feed ourselves. The good news is that it’s easy to change: You just need to start asking what your body really needs.
You just have to go beyond the box the system puts us in and move towards our personal peculiarities and uniqueness to find out what we really need, enjoying yourself and having fabulous explosions of flavour along the way.
And how can we do it?
We just need to get out and reconnect with nature to get nourished and fertilise ourselves, to get more inspiration. Healthy food is fertiliser for the body and being surrounded by nature is fertiliser for the soul.